Interfacing MB1240 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor with Arduino.



Arduino has become a popular tool for creating interactive projects and gadgets due to its ease of use and versatility. One of the many sensors that can be interfaced with an Arduino is the MB1240 ultrasonic distance sensor. This sensor allows for accurate measurement of distances and is commonly used in robotics and automation.

In this article, we will explore how to interface the “MB1240 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor” with an Arduino.

What is MB1240 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor?

The MB1240 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor is a type of electronic sensor that uses sound waves to measure the distance between the sensor and an object. It operates on the principle of echolocation, emitting high-frequency sound waves that bounce off the target object and then measures the time it takes for the sound waves to return to the sensor. The MB1240 sensor is capable of accurately measuring distances from 20 cm to 765 cm with a resolution of 1 cm.

Hardware Components

To interface an MB1240 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor with Arduino, you’ll need the following hardware components to get started:

Arduino UNO1
USB Cable Type A to B1
DC Power for Arduino1
Ultrasonic Distance Sensor MB12401
Jumper Wires1

MB1240 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Pinout

Pin NamePin Description
GNDGround pin
VCC+5v pin

Installing Arduino IDE

First, you need to install Arduino IDE Software from its official website Arduino. Here is a simple step-by-step guide on “How to install Arduino IDE“.

MaxBotix MB1240 Arduino example code – Analog voltage

Now copy the following code and upload it to Arduino IDE Software.

#define sensorPin A0

int distance = 0;

void setup() {

void read_sensor() {
  distance = analogRead(sensorPin) * 1;

void print_data() {
  Serial.print("distance = ");
  Serial.println(" cm");

void loop() {

Code Explanation

This is an Arduino code used to read the distance from an analog ultrasonic distance sensor connected to pin A0 of the Arduino.

First, the code defines the sensorPin as A0, indicating that the sensor is connected to analog input 0.

The setup function initializes the serial communication at 9600 baud rate.

The read_sensor function reads the sensor value by converting the analog value received from the sensor (using analogRead) to distance by multiplying it by 1 (which is not really necessary as it doesn’t change the value).

The print_data function prints the distance value on the serial monitor, preceded by a string “distance = ” and followed by the unit of measurement (cm).

Finally, in the loop function, the code continuously reads the sensor value, prints it to the serial monitor using the print_data function, and adds a delay of 1000ms (1 second) before repeating the process.

In summary, this code continuously reads and displays the distance measured by the analog ultrasonic distance sensor connected to pin A0 of the Arduino.

MaxBotix MB1240 Arduino example code – Pulse width

MB1240 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Digital Circuit
MB1240 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Digital Circuit
#define sensorPin 2

long distance = 0;
long duration = 0;

void setup() {
  pinMode(sensorPin, INPUT);

void read_sensor() {
  duration = pulseIn(sensorPin, HIGH);
  distance = duration / 58;

void print_data() {
  Serial.print("distance = ");
  Serial.println(" cm");

void loop() {

Code Explanation

This Arduino code defines a distance sensor pin on pin 2, initializes the serial communication, and sets up the pin mode for the sensor. The main function in the code is the loop() function, which continuously reads the sensor and prints the distance in centimeters every second.

The read_sensor() function reads the duration of the pulse received from the sensor pin when it is high and calculates the distance based on the duration using a conversion factor of 58, which is an approximation for the speed of sound in air. The print_data() function prints the distance in centimeters to the serial monitor.

The code includes a delay of 1 second between each reading, to ensure that the sensor has time to update its reading.


Here are some applications of the MB1240 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor:

  • Robotics: The MB1240 sensor can be used in robotics to detect obstacles and determine the distance between the robot and an object.
  • Automation: The sensor can be used in automated systems to monitor the position of objects, such as in assembly line operations.
  • Home security systems: The sensor can be used in security systems to detect the presence of an intruder and measure the distance between the intruder and the sensor.
  • Traffic monitoring: The sensor can be used to monitor traffic flow and detect the presence of vehicles on a roadway.
  • Parking sensors: The sensor can be used in parking sensors to detect the distance between a car and an object, such as a wall or another car.


Interfacing the MB1240 ultrasonic distance sensor with an Arduino can open up a world of possibilities for creating interactive projects and gadgets. With the ability to accurately measure distances, this sensor can be used in a variety of applications, including robotics, automation, and even home security systems