High Power Audio Amplifier (20W) Using TDA2030 Hi-Fi Audio Amplifier IC


What is a High Power Audio Amplifier?

An audio power amplifier is a simple electronic circuit that can boost up a low power audio signal to a level of higher amplitude. Audio amplifiers are now found in all manner of audio equipment such as speakers, mics headphones, etc. With the increasing trend of wireless technology & its implied convenience. The demand for new & improved wireless speakers/Audio amplifiers is ever increasing. So, in today’s tutorial, we are going to go over a step by step process on how to design a High Power Audio Amplifier (20W) Using TDA2030 Hi-Fi Amplifier IC.

The heart of this circuit is a TDA2030 IC. The TDA2030 is a monolithic Hi-Fi Audio Amplifier IC. Typically, it provides 14 W output. The TDA2030 provides high output current and has very low harmonic and crossover distortion. Furthermore, the device incorporates a short-circuit protection. It also features ESD protection and thermal overload protection.

Hardware Component

You will need the following parts to build this project

1)Audio Amplifier ICTDA20301
3)Loudspeaker10W – 20W1
4)DC Audio JackFemale/Male 3.5mm1
5)Capacitor10uF, 1uF3
6)Film Capacitor0.1uF (2A/104J)1
7)Resistor33K, 1K, 1 Ohm1
9)Soldering Iron45W – 65W1
10)Soldering Wire with Flux1
11)DC Battery12V1
12)Battery Clip1
13)Jumper WiresAs per need

TDA2030 Pinout

Useful Steps

1) Solder the TDA2030 IC on the Veroboard. After that, solder a 33K resistor on pin 1 of the IC.

2) After that, Solder the +ve pin of the 10uF capacitor with pin 1 of TDA2030 IC and -ve with the audio input.

3) Solder a 1K resistor on pin 2 of the IC. After that, solder the -ve pin of the 1uF capacitor with the 33K resistor and the +ve pin with the 1K resistor.

4) Solder a 33K resistor between pin 2 & pin 4 of the IC.

5) After that, solder the 0.1uF film capacitor between pin 4 of the IC & the 1 Ohm resistor.

6) Solder a 1 Ohm resistor between the 104J capacitor and the -ve pin of the speaker.

7) After that, Solder the audio input (AUX Cord) L+R on the -ve terminal of the capacitor and the GND of the circuit.

8) Connect the +ve & -ve terminals of the 20W speaker on pin 4 of the IC and the GND of the circuit.

9) Power up and test the circuit.

Circuit Diagram For High Power Audio Amplifier

Working Explanation

The working of this circuit is actually pretty simple. An audio signal is taken as input form a device such as a smartphone. Here a 10uF capacitor is connected in series with the input. This 10uF capacitor functions as a coupling capacitor, blocking the DC component of the audio signal while allowing only AC part of the signal to pass through. The output from the coupling capacitor then moves on to the non-inverting input of the TDA2030 IC.

The amplified audio output from the IC then goes through a film which filters out any residual noise from the output signal and drives the signal to a higher amplitude level. The output is then sent to an audio transducer such as a loudspeaker. Always use a heat sink with the TDA2030 IC, when running the circuit for longer time periods.


  • Mostly commonly used in live music performance, production and recording.
  • Also used in devices such as power amps, speakers, woofers and headsets, etc.

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