Off-Grid Solar System


Finding the best off-grid solar system is difficult because off-grid systems are much more complicated than grid-connected solar systems.

Many people believe that off-grid solar systems are cheaper to install. It may be true in the case of a bit of caravan or cabin, but larger off-grid systems for homes and businesses require a skilled solar installer or system designer’s expertise.


Main Parts Of An Off-Grid System

There are central parts of an off-grid system.

  1. Battery Inverter/charger.
  2. Solar inverter (AC) / Solar charge controllers (DC).
  3. Battery bank.
  4. Solar panels.
  5. Generator.

DC or AC coupled Off-Grid system.

Solar inverters, wind turbines, and backup generators (gen-sets) are illustrations of AC-coupled generation sources. In contrast, MPPT solar charge controllers and micro-hydro systems are examples of DC-coupled generation sources.

The size of the system determines whether the system is AC or DC coupled. Solar charge controllers are used in most small-scale systems under 5kW that is DC coupled. Based on the type of inverter/charger (multi-mode inverter) used and the connectivity with different solar inverters (AC) or solar charge controllers, larger off-grid systems can be either AC or DC coupled (DC). Most modern multi-mode inverters can be connected to both AC and DC, resulting in a highly secure, efficient system with multiple charging options.


Final Note

A licensed electrician with extensive experience must install solar and battery storage systems. Modern large-scale off-grid solar units are generally high voltage. They can generate and store enormous amounts of energy, resulting in harm, fire, or severe injury if the installation does not comply with all applicable regulations, standards, and guidelines.